Changing the world one random act of kindness at a time.


Kiernan and Kayla with the ten new trapsEnabling others to carry out work they are passionate about is one way to have a kindness impact. When Random Acts Grant Writer Kiernan Gladman came across a new venture called Tabby Trappers in Dover, Pennsylvania that aligned with their own dedication to helping feral cats, they knew they had to help. Lacking enough equipment, it was an opportunity to contribute not only funds but their experience too.

A Kindness Collaboration

Kiernan consulted with Kayla Buttrill of Tabby Trappers to find out what their needs were. They began locating suitable products to meet them with Kayla providing feedback every step of the way. “I was able to get exactly what they needed. Otherwise, I might accidentally get the wrong size divider fork, which, if too small, would be cat-a-strophic!” Kiernan also suggested acquiring a remote trap trigger, allowing for easier and more selective trapping. Once the items had been sourced, they met up to purchase the Tabby Trappers wishlist and talked about their shared passion for cats, and the importance of Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) programs.

Immediate Impact

After purchasing ten traps, the remote trigger, and tarps, Kayla let Kiernan know Tabby Trappers were able to put them into use straight away. Tabby Trappers even loaned them out to others wanting to perform trap-neuter-release on cat colonies within the local community. Having performed TNR in their own neighborhood, Kiernan knows it is ceaseless labor of love borne of a desire to help cats and prevent ongoing suffering. Thrilled to be able to have an immediate and meaningful impact via Random Acts, Kiernan expressed, “I feel hopeful for the future, too, knowing that there are people like Kayla in the world and that acts of all sizes and types can help animals.”



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