Changing the world one random act of kindness at a time.


Get comfy and settle in to read about our continued efforts to fight childhood hunger through #RANoHungryChild. In case you need a hashtag refresher, we have spread kindness across the globe through both small and big acts, which benefits communities where a significant percentage of the population experiences food security. Our latest pit stop is the state of Alaska where our friend, Random Acts Supporter Kristen Stengl combined forces with The Fairbanks Community Food Bank.

Kristen Stengl’s adorable three-year-old daughter dropping off supplies at The Fairbanks Community Food Bank. Photo courtesy Kristen Stengl.

Food Supply and Agriculture

If we were to think of the economy in a metaphorical sense, then agriculture would be its backbone. By exporting food and raw materials, it not only greatens the state’s wealth but provides more employment opportunities. Unfortunately, it can also have the opposite effect.

Dated back to 2014, 95% of the $2 billion of food Alaskans purchased was imported, leaving only 100 million in exports. These products are shipped out through supply chains to other locations, which means there are production and transportation fees that can quickly narrow the margin of profit. As a result, Alaskans are incredibly worried that there is less food available. That is when food banks came into play.

Strengthening Food Security

Since originating in 1982, The Fairbanks Community Food Bank’s mission is to make sure that the people in Tanana Valley have food on their tables. This is done by distributing food provided by the entire community, including restaurants and grocery stores.

In dire situations, assistance is provided to families in need with a three-to-four day supply of meals. Additionally, the Food Bank’s workers will simply lend an extra set of hands to other organizations who share the same goal. They participate in a wide spectrum of volunteerism, from teaching how to share food to simple recipes that provide budget-friendly nutrition.

Photo courtesy Kristen Stengl.

Donations into Meals

Luckily for Random Acts, we have a great network of supporters who love to rally around a great cause. As such, Endure4Kindness funds were used to make both food and cash donations to Fairbanks. Alongside her adorable three-year-old daughter, Kristen dropped off a monetary and food donation!

If you are feeling inspired by this act, please check out Fairbanks Community Food Bank’s website to see the list of items that are in need to make a donation directly. As always, we are on a mission at Random Acts to spread as much kindness into the community as we can. If you have an idea of how we can do so, let us know by contacting your local regional representative!